Jaldi Fit....Namita's Fitness Mantra
It's the beginning of the year and I made my food resolutions so it's only right that I add to it my exercise resolutions.The only way to make sure I stick to it, is to make sure it's simple,short and enjoyable.Exercise makes me feel great.When I was in America I used to walk daily for a hour. In Mumbai I used to go to the gym regularly but after it shut down,I didn't go find another one. Recently we had our school reunion.Met friends who had gone on different paths but saw how everyone enjoys good food.Some exercise regularly but most of us have put on weight,me included.It was wonderful finding out that one of us now runs a fitness centre and has published books on fitness.On her website she shares healthy recipes such as broccoli soup,carrot-apple juice and apple smoothie. I My school friend Namita Jain is now a Wellness Expert & Clinical fitness Specialist with numerous certifications and qualifications to her credit. She's been awarded the designation of ...